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Cosmetic guidebook

Alpha-hydroxides (AHA fruit acids and Alpha hydroxy acids)

Natural acids called fruit acids, which are not exclusively produced in fruits (e.g. apples, citrus fruits, quinces, grapes…) but also in milk and sugarcane. In addition to hydrating, their most well-known property is the so-called peeling effect, that is, they stimulate the natural process of peeling, which can be disturbed due to skin aging and damage caused by sunlight. Alpha hydroxy acids (and especially glycolic acids) are indispensable for ensuring smooth and fresh facial skin, not only because they are effective against keratinization and play a major role in the removal of dead skin cells, but also because they stimulate the formation of collagen responsible for skin elasticity and beauty, and they also have spot-reducing properties by speeding up the fading of the pigment substance, the so-called melanin dye cell, formed by the sun. In summary: alpha hydroxy acids increase blood flow, stimulate circulation, reduce wrinkles, dissolve surface keratin and improve the skin's water-binding - that is, moisturizing - ability. Their exfoliating and skin renewing effect appears almost within days, but the complete renewal of the skin takes place over a 28-day cycle. During this time, the skin "renews", the process of keratin formation takes place, the skin regenerates. Although under different names, the use of AHA acids goes way back. Cleopatra bathed in sour donkey milk, the ladies of the Sun King's court washed with grape juice, and in the old Hungarian villages, the bride received a grated apple mask so that she would be led to the altar with a velvety and fresh face the next day. Nowadays there are very effective, concentrated AHA- creams, which, however, due to the strong peeling effect making the skin thinner and more sensitive, it is advisable to consult with a beautician or dermatologist. These exfoliating creams should never be used around our eyes. It is also worth paying attention to whether the alpha hydroxy acid in our skincare product is of natural origin. Because there are synthetic products as well, and it is not at all the same which one we use. The Armonía snail products (both the Genuine and the Armonía natural brand Helix Aspersa product lines) contain alpha hydroxy acids in a ratio that fully ensures the skin regenerating effect, but cannot cause the itching or skin redness that sometimes occurs with AHA treatments.

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Biotin: B7-vitamin

The vitamin known mainly as biotin belongs to the family of B vitamins and, as such, is soluble in water. Biotin is the protective vitamin of the epithelial tissue, an important enzyme of bacteria and yeasts. Similar to B vitamins, it participates in the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, aids in the utilization of proteins, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and B12, and plays an important role in the production of essential fatty acids for the skin and hair. It is highly valued in cosmetics because it ensures healthy skin, hair, and nails, but it is also indispensable for the eyes and liver. It can improve the condition of eczema and skin inflammations and increases the insulin sensitivity of cells, which can be useful for diabetics. Its deficiency reduces the resistance of the epithelial tissue, the skin dries out, becomes scaly, in more severe cases inflammations can occur, hair loss can occur, it can reduce sexual desire, and can even cause spinal cord problems. Regular alcohol consumption makes it difficult to absorb biotin, while smoking requires a larger intake.

Its natural sources are liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast, sardines, cottage cheese, cauliflower, spinach, banana, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, beans, soybeans, cereals, unpolished rice, mushrooms. Few H-vitamins can be found in fruits and meats.

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Hyaluronic Acid

A natural polysaccharide that can be found in all tissues. In the human body, among other things, it has a water-binding role and lubricates the joints and muscles. 56% of the hyaluronic acid in the human body is found in the connective tissues of the skin, 35% in the muscles and bones, and the remaining 9% in the synovial fluid, blood and lymph. As age progresses, the quantity of hyaluronic acid decreases in the body, leading to a reduction in the volume of the connective tissue, thereby leading to a deterioration in skin tone and deepening wrinkles. Its consistency and tissue-friendly nature make it suitable for inclusion in numerous pharmaceutical products, particularly in ophthalmic and osteoarthritis-related products. Thanks to its special water-binding ability - a single molecule can retain 1000 water molecules - it is used very effectively in cosmetics to fill wrinkles, lift sagging neck skin, tighten décolletage, and even for lip augmentation. Hyaluronic acid can be obtained from tissues with a high hyaluron content (e.g. rooster comb), or it can be produced by bacterial fermentation. It is a common component of moisturizing, wrinkle-smoothing creams, but due to its high production cost, it is usually only present in negligible amounts.

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Amino acids (amino carboxylic acids)

Vital organic compounds, which have both an amino group and a carboxyl group in their molecule. They are the building blocks of protein molecules, so the body's protein requirement also means an amino acid requirement. There are 25 types of amino acids in the body, of which 20 are protein building. Those amino acids that the body cannot or can only partially produce are called essential. For the human body, 9 amino acids are essential: methionine, threonine, lysine, isoleucine, valine, leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and histidine. The biological value of proteins is determined by their essential amino acid content. The so-called primary or complete proteins contain all essential amino acids in adequate quantities and are therefore sufficient as the sole source of protein. Animal proteins belong to this group, such as meat, fish, milk, eggs ... secondary or incomplete proteins lack certain essential amino acids, therefore they are not sufficient as protein sources on their own, but can be made complete by combining them with another incomplete or complete protein. Plant proteins belong to this group.

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The basic condition for the existence of living beings is their constant contact with their environment, from where they take up matter and energy and release other materials. That's why we say that living beings are open material systems. We call this process metabolism, the part of which that takes place in the cell or in the organism is intermediate metabolism. The process can be outlined as follows:


uptake of material



Intermediate metabolism

Energy is needed for metabolism, which is released by the organism through degradation processes. The individual details (building and degradation, uptake and release of material) occur simultaneously, in parallel, in close interaction and coordination, depending on the current needs of the organism. In case of increased physical strain, the energy consumption is high and the energy release increases, but during rest, the energy storage processes come to the fore.

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Allantoin (or allantois) is a term that has only recently started to enter the public consciousness, despite being a carbon compound isolated around 1800. This is largely due to the results of cosmetic research. The term comes from one of the vertebrate's embryonic excretory organs, the allantois (in Greek, the urinary sac or urinary tube), where - with the exception of humans and anthropoid apes - uric acid oxidized by the breakdown of purines is concentrated. This crystallized concentrate is allantoin. It's no wonder that it was originally mainly produced from bovine amniotic fluid and calf urine, or - artificially - by manipulating uric acid, although it can now be extracted from plants as well. For example, from corn, Indian walnut, or black comfrey. But what made such a uniquely derived compound a fashionable skincare essential? Naturally, because it has been found to be an effective rejuvenating agent, or more precisely, it significantly reduces the external signs of aging, namely it has an intensive cell-building, moisturizing effect, so it fills up wrinkles, makes the skin smoother, tighter, and fresher. Due to its anti-inflammatory and scar healing abilities, it can be found in shaving products, toothpastes, shampoos, lipsticks, and mouthwashes as well.

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Enzymes are vital substances for cells, they are biocatalysts that increase the reaction rate of processes occurring in the body. Since every enzyme is a protein, their function is strongly influenced by temperature and PH. Each has an optimal temperature and PH value. Higher temperature increases the reaction rate, but if it is too high, the enzyme denatures. Each enzyme is specific: it can only catalyze the reaction of a particular compound or group of compounds, so one enzyme can't replace another. Enzymes - but not necessarily the same enzymes - simultaneously perform destructive and constructive tasks. On the one hand, they participate in the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (i.e., in the process of digestion), on the other hand, they assist in the operation of the immune system in various ways and in various places by destroying and damaging pathogens and their toxins: on the skin surface, at body openings (saliva, tears, airways), and even within the body. We also make use of enzymes at home: we remove contaminants and stains with the help of the fat and carbohydrate breaking enzymes of washing and dishwashing detergents. We clean contact lenses with a solution containing enzymes to remove proteins that can cause infection. They are also used in the pharmaceutical industry, for example, in the production of certain antibiotics, and in the food industry (in the production of bakery and dairy products), they are downright indispensable. In our diet, they play an extremely important role not only in breaking down, but also in releasing essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The physiological significance of many vitamins lies precisely in their ability to enable normal cell function as parts of coenzymes. Such are nicotinamide, riboflavin (B2 vitamin), biotin, pantothenic acid, thiamine (B1 vitamin), folic acid, or B12 vitamin. Their natural sources are raw vegetables, eggs, not overly processed meat and fish. Due to the extremely large number and function of enzymes, cosmetics can utilize them in many different ways.

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Biotin: H-vitamin

The H-vitamin, most commonly known as biotin, belongs to the B-vitamin family and, as such, is water-soluble. Biotin is the protective vitamin of the epithelial tissue, an important enzyme of bacteria and yeasts. Similarly to B-vitamins, it participates in the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, helps in the use of proteins, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and B12, and plays a significant role in the production of essential fatty acids for the skin and hair. It is highly valued in cosmetics because it ensures healthy skin, hair, and nails, but it is also indispensable for the eyes and liver. It can improve the condition of eczema and skin inflammations, and increases the insulin sensitivity of cells, which can be useful for diabetics as well. Its deficiency reduces the resistance of the epithelial tissue, the skin becomes dry, scaly, in severe cases inflammations may occur, it can cause hair loss, decrease sexual desire, and may even cause spinal cord disorders. Regular alcohol consumption hinders the absorption of biotin, smoking demands its higher intake.Term natural sources include liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast, sardines, curd, cauliflower, spinach, banana, hazelnut, almond, walnut, sesame seed, beans, soybeans, cereals, unpeeled rice, mushrooms. Fruits and meats contain little H-vitamin.

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Natural cosmetics (natural cosmetics, green or clean cosmetics)

Perhaps because they are very fashionable concepts, every producer, manufacturer and distributor likes to label their food and cosmetics as natural, eco, pure, green or organic, there is no uniform, universally accepted and especially universally applied legal or commercial criterion for what we mean by these definitions. This is true even though there are very strict regulations for organic products as to what counts as such. Broadly speaking, it can be said that natural, pure, green cosmetics are actually synonyms, and - in one word - they are so-called skin-friendly beauty care products, which, however, do not meet extremely scrupulous organic requirements in some respect - for example, they contain animal-derived ingredients. Specifically, natural cosmetics are made almost exclusively from natural raw materials, partly from plants grown in organic farming, no animal testing was conducted in their production, the products were not tested on animals, they do not contain artificial preservatives, colorants, mineral oils and petroleum derivatives, and accordingly, they do not cause irritation or allergies. For example, among the brands of the Armonía group, the most famous product line of Armonía Natural, the Helix Aspersa creams and serum are considered natural and not organic cosmetics, because - although they otherwise fully comply with organic requirements - their most effective ingredient, the concentrated snail mucus extract is of animal origin. The criteria for eco and organic farming have been regulated in the European Union since 1991 by Council Regulation 2092/91/EEC (amended by 123/2008/EC), and in France, which is at the forefront of organic farming, by Cahier des Charges, 2000. These organizations specify the conditions for natural cosmetics as follows: 95% natural ingredients, 50% plant-based ingredients, and a minimum of 5% ECO certification. It would be beneficial if only beauty products that truly meet these criteria were claimed to belong to the ever-expanding family of natural cosmetics on the Hungarian market.

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Elastin is a protein found in the connective tissue of the skin in 2-5%, which as the etymology of the word shows (in ancient Greek elaszt = obedient, workable) is responsible for the firmness of the skin. The interweaving of the connective tissue's collagen and elastin fibers ensures the appropriate mechanical properties of the skin. During the aging process, lipids deposit on the fibers, the fibers thicken, become stiffer, their water-absorbing capacity decreases, as a result, the skin becomes inflexible, saggy, and wrinkled. Products containing elastin help regenerate elastin in the skin. They are used in both face and hair care cosmetics as they make the skin firm and elastic.

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The building blocks of the cell membrane. They are compounds of different chemical structure, insoluble or barely soluble in water, but well soluble in organic solvents (ether, benzene, acetone and chloroform), which play a role in energy storage, thermal insulation and mechanical protection. From a biological point of view, they are divided into two groups: simple or neutral fats and complex lipids or fat-like lipoids.The neutral fats are the most common lipids, they can be found in both plants and animals. They are among the most energy-rich nutrients, especially as reserve nutrients (biosynthesis) they have great significance.The complex lipids, or lipoids, play a major role in the formation of cell membranes by phosphatides, in relation with hormones by steroids, in photosynthesis of plants by carotenoids, in the formation of visual purple in animals, and in the formation of precursor of Vitamin A.They are lipids in large quantities, fatty acids, fatty acid derivatives, glycerolipids, triglycerides, phosphatidyl derivatives, plasmanyl and plasmenyl derivatives, sphingolipids, sphingophospholipids, sphingoglycolipids, sterines (sterols) and their derivatives (cholesterol and bile acid), The lipids in small quantities, steroids, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxanes, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), fat-soluble coenzymes.

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Skin (epidermis)

The epidermal layer is approximately 0.2 mm thick - the thickest on the palm and sole, the thinnest on the eyelid. Its task is to renew the uppermost protective layer of the skin. The epidermis consists of several cell layers, the bottom one is the basal layer, also known as the basal layer or basement membrane. Above the basal layer is the prickly layer, then the granular layer, above it the shiny layer, and finally the uppermost layer, or the horny layer, which is entirely made up of dead, flat cells. Young epidermal cells are located in the basal layer, and through this, they receive their nutrients and oxygen delivered by tiny blood vessels running in the dermis. These cells produce newer and newer cells through constant division, which, as they push outward, get further and further away from the dermis layer. In this process, they flatten, accumulate protective keratin in them, and finally wear off in the form of lifeless keratin scales, i.e. they peel off. An epidermal cell takes about 28 days to get from the bottom of the epidermis to the outermost epidermal row. In addition to the epidermal cells, cells producing a dye called melanin, the melanocytes, are also found in the basal layer. Melanin is the pigment of the skin and protects cells under the living epidermis from radiation. An overgrowth of these dyes results in moles, freckles, and liver spots. The color of hair and hair strands also depends on the presence of melanin. The surface of the skin shows a characteristic, individual-specific pattern, especially on the sole and palm. Nerve cells can also be found in the epidermal layer. They have a role in sensation.

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Skin: structure, composition

The skin is our largest organ, accounting for nearly 15% of our body weight, and its total surface area is approximately 1.4-1.6 m2. It is generally more or less covered with hair, only the palms and soles are completely smooth and hairless. The skin is the human body's first line of defense, but it not only protects us from the environment, but also connects us to it. In addition to its protective function, it also participates in thermoregulation and excretory function. The skin surface is characteristically furrowed. There are also accessory organs associated with the skin, such as hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands, and nails, which we also call appendages of the skin. The structure of the skin is quite complex. It is built up in several layers by three basic types of tissue: the epithelium, the loose, fibrous connective tissue, and the more or less variable amount of adipose tissue. Its more important layers, which themselves consist of several layers (in order from the surface inwards), are the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutis.

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The skin's own fat molecules, which make up about 40-50% of the stratum corneum's lipids. They strengthen the skin's defensive function and improve its moisture-retaining ability. Since ceramides are the binding agents of the skin layer, they participate in preventing the skin's water loss by holding the epithelial cells together. This can best be imagined by comparing the structure of the skin to a brick wall, where the epithelial cells are the bricks and the ceramides that bind the cells together are the mortar. As the skin ages, the epithelial cells lose their original shape, the texture of the binding material deteriorates, the distance between individual cells increases, the skin sags and becomes dull, and wrinkles indicating dehydration appear. AHA fruit acids do a lot to prevent or slow down this process, but they can only perform part of the regeneration task. Ceramides function somewhat like molecular cement, binding new and smaller cell layers together. Ceramides strengthen the moisture barrier, which - once strengthened - allows for the effective action of AHA.

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B9-vitamin (folic acid, folate)

It is a part of the B-vitamin family, therefore, a water-soluble vitamin, which is necessary for the formation of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, the metabolism of amino acids, and nucleic acids. It also contributes to the integrity of the stomach and intestinal system as well as the oral mucosa. It is indispensable for the proper functioning of the brain and plays a role in maintaining mental and emotional health. Its presence is extremely important in the early stages of pregnancy, as the processes closing the fetal neural tube only occur with folic acid. It aids the body's genetic system (DNA and RNA), and particularly plays a significant role in periods of intensive growth (pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence). Together with vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid is capable of reducing homocysteine (Hcy) levels. This otherwise necessary protein in excessive amounts is a major cause of atherosclerosis and arterial obstruction. Its absorption from artificial preparations is better than from natural sources, but in this case, it is worth consuming as part of a vitamin complex, as other B-vitamins are also needed for its activation. Good levels of folic acid can make the symptoms of a B12 vitamin deficiency unnoticeable. In case of its deficiency, the number of blood cells decreases, tongue inflammation, and stomach and intestinal symptoms occur. Alcoholism, cell disorders, certain medications can cause folic acid deficiency. Pregnant women need a larger amount of it.k.Term Its natural sources are beef liver, kidney, salmon, yeast, mushrooms, fruits, asparagus, parsnip, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, sprouts, whole grains, legumes, avocado, orange, milk, leafy vegetables, especially spinach.

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Anabolism (assimilation)

The metabolism of the organization is based on the balance of anabolic, or building, and catabolic, or decomposing processes. Therefore, under anabolism, we mean the incorporation of materials taken from the environment into the body, during which simple materials become complex macromolecules. Synthesis is also anabolism (such as photosynthesis or protein synthesis), as is every incorporation and storage process, such as fat storage. Contrary to the catabolic process –where energy is released– energy is needed for anabolic transformation. This concept is also used in bodybuilding. There, it denotes muscle building.

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B13-vitamin (orotic acid)

A lesser-known vitamin that requires further research, but it is already known to protect against certain liver disorders, enhance tolerance to physical strain, increase vascular flexibility, contribute to the maintenance of our skin's healthy structure, useful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, and promote the utilization of folic acid and B12­–vitamin, the absorption of magnesium. Its main natural sources are whey, onion vegetables (garlic, purple onion, chives, leek, red onion, pearl onion) and root vegetables (parsley, carrot, celery).

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B6 vitamin (pyridoxine)

Water-soluble vitamin, which is excreted from the body in about 8 hours. Pyridoxine coenzymes promote the formation of neuron transporters, which carry signals from one nerve cell to another, indispensable for the normal development and operation of the brain. They are involved in the metabolism of amino acids, the breakdown of fats. The more protein-rich our diet, the more B6 vitamin we need. Pyridoxines are also essential for the formation of antibodies and red blood cells. They also play a role in the prevention of various nervous and skin diseases, and function as natural diuretics. They also promote the absorption of vitamin B12. According to some American studies, B6 vitamin may be effective in preventing heart attack, eliminating nausea in pregnant women, and treating depression. Overdose can cause neurological disorders, and deficiency can cause anemia and convulsions with neurological disorders. Other deficiency symptoms may include: cracking of the mucous membrane of the lips, nervousness, insomnia, depression, muscle weakness, hair loss. Vitamin B6 may be effective for migraines, during pregnancy, and to alleviate vomiting after X-ray radiation and anesthesia. Older people, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers need a larger amount of it. The natural forms of vitamin B6 are wheat bran, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, liver, kidney, heart, beef, fish, dairy products, molasses legumes, cabbage, spinach, banana, yeast, and to a lesser extent milk and eggs.

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H-vitamin (biotin)

The H-vitamin, most commonly known as biotin, belongs to the B-vitamin family and, as such, is water-soluble. Biotin is the protective vitamin of the epithelial tissue, an important enzyme of bacteria and yeasts. Similarly to B-vitamins, it participates in the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, helps in the use of proteins, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and B12, and plays a significant role in the production of essential fatty acids for the skin and hair. It is highly valued in cosmetics because it ensures healthy skin, hair, and nails, but it is also indispensable for the eyes and liver. It can improve the condition of eczema and skin inflammations, and increases the insulin sensitivity of cells, which can be useful for diabetics as well. Its deficiency reduces the resistance of the epithelial tissue, the skin becomes dry, scaly, in severe cases inflammations may occur, it can cause hair loss, decrease sexual desire, and may even cause spinal cord disorders. Regular alcohol consumption hinders the absorption of biotin, smoking demands its higher intake.Term natural sources include liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast, sardines, curd, cauliflower, spinach, banana, hazelnut, almond, walnut, sesame seed, beans, soybeans, cereals, unpeeled rice, mushrooms. Fruits and meats contain little H-vitamin.

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French quality control and certification body (Organisme de controle et de certification), which is recognized by almost every relevant institution and organization from the French Ministry of Agriculture to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). Ecocert carries out its activities related to the inspection of products, production methods, and services in more than eighty countries, primarily in three areas:

- Quality control and certification;
- Developing criteria and benchmarking systems related to certification in cooperation with experts from the relevant sectors;
- Training

All armoníabio cosmetics have Ecocert certification.

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Introducing Dr. Maria Poroszkai, our dermatologist

I graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine at Semmelweis University in 2004, then I gained my dermatological practice at the United Szent István and Szent László Hospital of Budapest, as well as at the Dermatology Clinic of Semmelweis University. In 2012, I successfully completed the dermatology board exam with excellent qualification. Beyond general dermatology, my area of interest includes aesthetic, non-invasive interventions, therefore I have participated in numerous domestic and foreign aesthetic courses. Besides outpatient dermatology clinics, I also started working in Bársony medical aesthetics. I am a believer in prevention and proper skin care, but if necessary, I perform the following aesthetic treatment procedures: botox, filling, mesotherapy, Dracula therapy, face contouring with absorbable biothreads, laser facial rejuvenation and removal of benign skin growths without scars, scar treatment, IPL treatments, fat-burning injection interventions, etc. I participated in the aesthetic world conference in Monte Carlo, and the European aesthetic conference in Paris, because learning and mastering new things has always been extremely important to me. 

Since 2014, I have been strengthening the medical team at Fehérhajó Revital Center, where Dr. Renáta Kriston first suggested that I try the Armonia product line, which she has been experiencing for its quality and effectiveness for years. The product line also convinced me, and since then I have received a lot of positive feedback about the Armonia products. 

The bio-certification of the products, as well as the minimization of allergy propensity, are guarantees for me and my patients. I heartily recommend it to everyone who has skin problems, as well as to those who strive to prevent skin problems.

TV recordings, interviews with the doctor:

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Antioxidants (oxidation inhibitors)

Compounds found in organisms or food that inhibit or delay oxidation (oxidation inhibitors). During the process of energy release (oxidative phosphorylation), free radicals (peroxide and superoxide radicals) are formed in the mitochondria, the energy-releasing or ATP-producing particles of cells. These free radicals are among the ones responsible for the aging process, against which antioxidants prove to be very effective. In case of illness, under stress, or as a result of a physically inactive lifestyle, the number of free radicals increases, and the body is unable to produce enough antioxidants, so they need to be supplemented with appropriate food or dietary supplements. The most important and most common natural antioxidants are as follows:

What contains a lot of antioxidants? What contains even more antioxidants?  
Vitamin A (retinol), beta-carotene red pepper, sweet potato Cantaloupe, pumpkin, carrot, apricot  
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Orange, pineapple, strawberry Green pepper, kiwi, vegetables rosehip, pineapple, black currant, papaya, red pepper  
Vitamin E (tocopherol) Wheat germ, raw vegetable oils, hard-shelled fruits  
Coenzyme Q10 Spinach, potato, alfalfa Soy, sweet potato  
Selenium Fish, meat, dairy products Avocado, lentils

Lycopene, a carotenoid pigment, deserves special mention due to its significant antioxidant content. It is responsible for the red color of tomatoes, blood oranges, and peppers, as well as the vitamin-like flavonoids, which are found in green tea, the skin of black grapes, consequently in quality red wine, and in smaller quantities in almost all fruits that ripen naturally. For preservation purposes, the food industry also uses antioxidants, but as they are synthetic, they should be avoided if possible. All aging inhibitors and sunscreens among cosmetics contain antioxidants.

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Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

In alphabetical order, Vitamin K is the last fat-soluble vitamin, although its artificially produced variant is also soluble in water. It occurs in two forms in nature: K1 vitamin (phylloquinone) is produced by green plants, while K2 vitamin (menaquinone) is synthesized by certain bacteria. Its best-known property is aiding blood clotting (its name also refers to this, as it originates from the German word Koagulationsvitamin, its deficiency can lead to bleeding or slower clotting. Antibiotic treatment may cause a Vitamin K deficiency. okozhat.Term Natural sources include broccoli, lettuce, cabbages, tomatoes, spinach, dairy products, and liver.

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Pantothenic acid: Vitamin B5

The better-known name for Vitamin B5 is derived from the Greek word panthoten (panthos = everywhere). It is a key component of coenzyme in intermediate metabolism. It participates in the formation of neurotransmitters, the breakdown of energy-carrying carbohydrates, the synthesis of various sterols, steroid hormones, porphyrins, and cholesterol. It aids in the transportation and transformation of fatty acids into useful energy, contributes to the processing of other vitamins (especially B2), enhances the function of hormones, and some researchers believe it alleviates anxiety and stress symptoms, and stimulates brain function. Real deficiency symptoms do not occur with a mixed diet, although the requirement for pantothenic acid is not sufficiently clarified. If it is still insufficient, hair and scalp abnormalities, fatigue, sleep disorders, possibly heartburn, gastrointestinal diseases may occur. Physical exertion and stress situations increase the need. Presumably, pantothenic acid produced by intestinal bacteria is also utilized in our body. As its name suggests, pantothenic acid can be found almost everywhere, although a large part of it is lost during cooking and processing. Its natural sources include, among others, cereals, pork and beef, liver, kidney, poultry, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, avocado, salmon, lobster, egg yolk, whole grain cereals, sprouts, milk, cheese. Breast milk contains about 2 mg/l of pantothenic acid.

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Vitamin A

Fat-soluble vitamin. It promotes cell renewal and differentiation, regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, protects the epithelium against infections, and is essential for the construction of the light-sensitive substance of the retina (hence its name), the visual purple, as well as for the proper development of the fetus. Its deficiency can result in night blindness, as well as atrophy of the epithelial tissue, dry skin, thinning, and fragility of the hair. It has two sources: the group of retinoid molecules of animal origin (including retinol, which is so important for wrinkle smoothing) and plant-derived carotenoids acting as antioxidants, such as the provitamin beta-carotene. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A. Due to its outstanding skin-protecting, wrinkle-smoothing, circulation-enhancing, and calming-cleansing properties, vitamin A is a component of many cosmetic products, but it is also used to treat psoriasis and acne.k.TermThe natural forms can be found in the following foods: liver, heart, kidney, fish liver oils, egg yolk, sea fish, butter, dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, citrus fruits. Provitamin A can be found in carrots, kale, red peppers, tomatoes, and spinach.

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Vitamin B1 (thiamine, aneurine)

A water-soluble, heat-sensitive compound, one of the 8 B vitamins. It plays a significant role in carbohydrate metabolism and in the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles, and heart. Its deficiency is caused by the accumulation of lactic acid and tartaric acid in the body, accompanied by neurasthenic symptoms, loss of appetite, heart weakness and circulatory insufficiency can occur. The result is fatigue, weakness, depression, and certain intestinal problems. The lack of vitamin B1 causes a disease called beriberi. Tiaminban is rich in liver, whole grains, potatoes, brown rice, legumes, walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, beets, cabbage, yeast.

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Subcutaneous tissue (subcutis)

The deepest layer of the skin organically connected to the dermis, which contains fat tissue serving as a reserve nutrient in loose fibrous connective tissue. Blood vessels and nerves run between the fibers. The thickness of the subcutaneous layer depends on the amount of fat tissue, which varies depending on the sex, the specific skin area, and the degree of obesity. The area under the chin, the double chin, is very prone to excessive padding. Women owe their rounded, feminine shapes to their thicker layer of fat tissue. In men, the abdomen, in women, the breast and the hip are most prone to thickening of the fat tissue. In women, it can happen that the fat tissue on the thigh thickens in an unpleasantly uneven form - forming bumps and indentations. This is the so-called cellulite (officially cellulitis), also known as the mattress phenomenon. Nowadays, cellulite is attributed to the normal physiological effect of female hormones (estrogens). Estrogens take care of filling the indentation between the fibers running between the fat lobules. The main task of the subcutaneous layer is to replenish nutrients and insulate heat, but it also plays an important protective (e.g., on the top of the head or on gripping surfaces) and cushioning role (e.g., ensuring the tightness of the skin and good grip on objects).

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Skin (cutis, dermis)

The middle layer of the skin located under the stratum corneum is essentially a connective tissue made up of fibers, capillaries, nerve endings, which supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and provides its elasticity and durability. About 90% of the dermis mass is made up of collagen fibers, which are flexible, soft, yet resistant to tension. The capillaries, also called blood vessels, play an essential role in nutrient supply, fluid balance, and heat regulation. In warmth or excitement, the vessels dilate, a large amount of blood flows into them, and we blush. When it's cold, the vessels contract, the skin does not give off heat. At the junction of the epidermis and dermis, we find protrusions, so-called dermal warts. This layer contains receptors capable of perceiving heat, pain, pressure, and tactile stimuli. The various types of nerve endings in the skin not only transmit touch, heat, and pain sensations, but also, through the combined operation of different types of sensors and the deep sensory receptors of the connective tissue under the skin, and the joints and muscles, we can perceive the quality of the touched objects (e.g. whether it is metal or wood), whether it is wet or dry, etc. The root of the hairs and hair shafts made up of keratinizing epithelial cells, which continue in the hair follicle at the stratum corneum, also extends into the dermal layer. This broadening part of the roots is the hair or hair bulb surrounding the hair follicle. The hair papillae located at the bottom of the hair follicle is a connective tissue surrounded by vessels, which is capable of growing hair through the rapid division of matrix cells located on its surface with the help of a protein called keratin. Just like in the epidermis, melanocytes responsible for the color of our skin can also be found in the hair bulb, which here determine the character of the color of the hair and fur. The sebaceous glands open into the hair follicle, which protect and polish the hair strands with their fatty secretion. The hair stiffening muscles connected to the hair follicle can lift the hair from the surface of the skin. The sweat gland, which extends into the dermis and partly into the subcutaneous tissue, is responsible for heat regulation and sweat production (excretion of water and substances dissolved in it that the body does not need). The nail grows out of a special part of the dermal layer, the nail groove. The lower surface of the nail rests on the nail bed on the last phalanx of the finger.

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Glycolic acid

AHA is a group of fruit acids that fundamentally differs from other alpha hydroxides in that it only has two carbon atoms. It is mostly derived from sugarcane, sugar beet, grapes and other fruits. Among the AHA acids, glycolic has the greatest peeling effect: it renews the skin surface in depth, but without side effects. For example, the hydroxy acid present in the Armonía snail slime and aloe vera extract creams also belongs to this group. Consequently, it removes the keratinized and dead stratum corneum, thus allowing the new epithelial cells produced by the stimulating effect of allantoin to integrate more quickly. It improves the condition of the hair follicle, helps prevent ingrown hair, and inflammation of the hair follicle.

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The hair covering the head. The hair follicles of the scalp generally work more actively, so the hair grows a bit faster than the hair found in other parts of the body. Interestingly, the graying of the hair is different from the hair, as the pubic and underarm hair grays much later. On the hairy scalp, an average of one hundred thousand hair follicles are located, their number is genetically determined, so different hair types have different densities. The hair strand consists of three layers: the medulla is located in the middle, which connects the hair root to the outer part, providing passage for certain substances and air. The medulla is surrounded by a bark made of keratin fibers, which, on the one hand, provides protection for the hair, and on the other hand, also contains the dyeing substances that determine the hair color. Finally, the outermost layer of the hair is the cuticle, which is made up of plates overlapping like roof tiles: these are covered by the oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands, the hair grease.

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Chemical peeling (superficial peeling, chemical peeling)

One of the most effective forms of superficial peeling is fruit acid (AHA) peeling, that is, when the peeling is done with an alpha hydroxy acid product. Fruit acids gently dissolve dead cells from the skin surface, penetrate the bottom of the stratum corneum, stimulate cell division, thereby promoting skin regeneration. During the treatments, cell formation accelerates, the skin is ready for the maximum absorption of active ingredients, cosmetics flaws fade, wrinkles lessen, pigment spots and acne scars fade. Visible results can be achieved from the first few times, leaving the skin fresh and smooth. The professional version of superficial peeling is when the adhesive between dead stratum corneum is dissolved with protein-degrading enzyme acid (such as papaya enzyme powder), and after washing, the dead scales peel off from the epidermis. This peel, performed by a cosmetician or plastic surgeon, can cause mild stinging or itching, skin redness, but not bleeding. Any side effects will disappear within a few days. The skin will be fresher and velvety. The procedure can be repeated several times a year. The gentle and everyday use of chemical peels is if we use fruit acid creams. If we use skin care products similar to Armonía creams, rich in AHA acids and at the same time containing only natural ingredients, there is no need to worry about side effects.

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Laser peeling (deep peeling, laser peeling)

The essence of the laser surgical procedure, also called a photothermolysis procedure, is that during a surgery performed with a laser - most commonly carbon dioxide or erbium-Yag - the skin surface is reshaped at various depths. Different lengths of laser beams are used for different types of skin defects. This reshaping, also known as "resurfacing", already falls into the category of plastic surgery and can only be performed by a properly trained professional. The intervention itself is not only extremely successful (in addition to wrinkles, it also removes scars), but also completely safe. Since the treatment is performed under anesthesia due to its pain, this risk must also be taken into account. After laser peeling, the skin surface remains red for weeks, it may also seep. Afterwards, the skin visibly rejuvenates, becomes permanently tight, and the aging process slows down.

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Mechanical exfoliation (scrub peeling, skin sanding, skin scrub)

This is one of the most common types of exfoliation, during which dead skin cells are worn away by rubbing. One advantage is that it can be done not only by a beautician, but also by ourselves, and another advantage is that it can easily be applied to the body, as there are shower gels that contain exfoliating particles. There are several types of abrasives known (almond bran, ground apricot kernel, tiny polyethylene balls…), which are either mixed into the mask that dries after application (in this case, the agent must be removed by rubbing after drying), or into creams, gels, soaps, shower gels (in this case, the skin should be rubbed with a wet hand). In both cases, the applied agent must be carefully removed after exfoliation. One of the newer versions of mechanical exfoliation, which can only be performed by professionals, is so-called microdermabrasion (dermabrasion is the Hungarian transcription of the Latin term for skin rubbing or skin scraping), the essence of which is that a special skin grinding machine sprays very fine (and of course absolutely sterile) crystal powder (mostly aluminum oxide) on the skin, which smooths the roughness, scars, wrinkles, and at the same time a vacuum suction removes the crystal powder with the dissolved cell parts. Of course, cosmetics companies' advertisements often call even the most harmless skin exfoliation microdermabrasion.

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Substances used for preserving food, medicines and cosmetics that are anti-fungal, therefore prevent fungi growth. There are two types: methylparaben and propylparaben. Cosmetics containing parabens can cause irritation and allergic symptoms in people with sensitive skin.

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Catabolism (dissimilation, breakdown)

The metabolism of the organism is based on the balance of anabolic, i.e., building, and catabolic, i.e., breaking down processes. Accordingly, catabolism is the breakdown of nutrients during biochemical reactions in living organisms, the total of breaking down metabolic processes. This is the energy-releasing process of organisms, during which complex organic compounds are turned into simpler organic or inorganic compounds. The catabolic energy in the cell is converted into working and reserve energy, and some of it is released as thermal energy. Both the processes of anabolism and catabolism require oxygen.

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A new active ingredient blend of high technology, which consists mainly of plant and mineral components. It reduces the contraction of the muscles under the skin around the eyes and forehead, so these wrinkles fade and do not deepen further. Expression lines can develop at a young age, so it is advisable to pay attention to them in time.

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Intermediate metabolism

The part of metabolism that occurs in the cell or the body, the sum of transformation processes between material intake and release. In intermediary metabolism, the breakdown and construction processes of materials that have entered the cell take place simultaneously. Its direction greatly depends on nutrition because if certain substances are present in the right amount or even in excess for the body, but other substances are missing, the intermediary metabolism primarily forms those that move the substances in larger quantities towards the transformation into important components.

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Amino acids (amino carboxylic acids)

Vital organic compounds, which have both an amino group and a carboxyl group in their molecule. They are the building blocks of protein molecules, so the body's protein requirement also means an amino acid requirement. There are 25 types of amino acids in the body, of which 20 are protein building. Those amino acids that the body cannot or can only partially produce are called essential. For the human body, 9 amino acids are essential: methionine, threonine, lysine, isoleucine, valine, leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and histidine. The biological value of proteins is determined by their essential amino acid content. The so-called primary or complete proteins contain all essential amino acids in adequate quantities and are therefore sufficient as the sole source of protein. Animal proteins belong to this group, such as meat, fish, milk, eggs ... secondary or incomplete proteins lack certain essential amino acids, therefore they are not sufficient as protein sources on their own, but can be made complete by combining them with another incomplete or complete protein. Plant proteins belong to this group.

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Beta Carotenes

Carotenes are the most common natural pigments found in a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, giving them yellow, red, or orange colors, according to their typology. Carotenes are collectively referred to as carotenoids. Carotene is fat-soluble and a precursor of vitamin A. As an antioxidant, it is very significant in helping to protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals, which cause cancer, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases. There are about 600 carotenoids in nature, but only 14 of these are found in the blood, which are absorbed during digestion. The main dietary carotenes are beta-carotene and alpha-carotene (beta-carotene gives a yellow color to carrots, apricots, pumpkins), lutein and zeaxanthin give the color to dark green vegetables (kale, broccoli, spinach, sorrel), and lycopene, which is found in red-fleshed fruits (tomatoes, grapefruit, watermelon). Recent research suggests that carotenes also have immune-boosting effects and - particularly in the case of alpha-carotene and lycopene - they play a role in preventing the oxidation of so-called bad cholesterol that causes atherosclerosis.

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B2 Vitamin (riboflavin, lactoflavin)

Fatty acids and amino acids are broken down, they play an important role in tissue respiration and detoxification, they have a good effect on growth and reproduction, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, reduce eye dryness, and improve vision. The human gut flora also produces riboflavin, therefore deficiency symptoms rarely occur. Its deficiency in humans can cause skin changes, eye itching, eye burning, eye redness, digestive disorders, and cracked lips. It may also contribute to the development of joint inflammation. Main sources of riboflavin: milk and dairy products, liver, kidney, fish, eggs, leafy vegetables, legumes.

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B3-vitamin (nicotinic acid, niacin)

Vitamin necessary for the production of sex and stress-related hormones. It aids the operation of the nervous system, the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, the detoxification of cells, the production of hemoglobin, the function of enzymes involved in cellular respiration, reduces cholesterol levels and the body's insulin requirement, reduces inflammation, protects the integrity of the skin. In case of its deficiency, intestinal disorders, fatigue, depression, loss of appetite, headache may occur. ki.Niacinban is abundant in meat, liver, kidney, fish, whole grains, sprouts, vegetables, potatoes, hazelnuts, dried fruits.

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Bio-cosmetics (eco-cosmetics)

Just like natural cosmetics, this is also a very fashionable concept, so we can come across the confidence-inspiring organic label on both food and cosmetics at every turn. Of course, not all that glitters is gold, but if anything, organic products have very clearly defined and strict criteria. These are regulated by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 of the European Union (amended by 123/2008/EC), in France, which leads the way in organic farming, by the Cahier des Charges, 2000, in our country by Government Decree No 140/1999 and FVM Decree No 74/2004.These regulations determine the conditions for a cosmetic to be organic–, or (using the synonyms more common abroad) eco-, eco-, or possibly organic: 95% can only contain natural and (except for honey) plant-based ingredients, at least 10% of which must be certified ECO-. This means that the raw materials (i.e. the plant ingredients) are produced in an organic farm or organic farm, where no artificial fertilizers, toxic sprays or synthetic nutrients are used. Of course, no ingredient can come from a genetically modified or radiation-exposed plant, contain artificial preservatives, synthetic color or fragrance, chemical derivatives, mineral oils, and last but not least, neither the final product nor any of its components can be tested on animals.Whether a food or cosmetic product complies with organic regulations is checked, certified and - if the result is positive - guaranteed by specialized, internationally recognized, independent institutions. Such are, for example, the ECO-certificates of the French Ecocert, the German Öko Test and Kontrollierte Natur-Kosmetik and the Hungarian Biokontrol Hungária Kht, which guarantee a product's organic quality. The bio products marketed in Hungary must bear the inscription "„Product from controlled organic farming”" and the name of one of the - listed above - institutions guaranteeing quality.To understand the difference between organic and natural cosmetics, it is worth reading our natural cosmetics article in our dictionary. In a nutshell, everything that is organic is also a natural product, but just because something is natural it does not necessarily mean that it meets the criteria for organic or eco. To illustrate with a concrete example, among the brands of the Armonía group, all products of armoníabio are organic cosmetics certified by Ecocert, but the most famous product line of Armonía Natural, the Helix Aspersa creams and serum are classified as natural (or natural) cosmetics, because –although they otherwise fully meet the requirements of organic– their most effective ingredient, the concentrated snail mucus extract is of animal origin.

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Carotenes are the most common natural pigments found in a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, giving them yellow, red, or orange colors, according to their typology. Carotenes are collectively referred to as carotenoids. Carotene is fat-soluble and a precursor of vitamin A. As an antioxidant, it is very significant in helping to protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals, which cause cancer, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases. There are about 600 carotenoids in nature, but only 14 of these are found in the blood, which are absorbed during digestion. The main dietary carotenes are beta-carotene and alpha-carotene (beta-carotene gives a yellow color to carrots, apricots, pumpkins), lutein and zeaxanthin give the color to dark green vegetables (kale, broccoli, spinach, sorrel), and lycopene, which is found in red-fleshed fruits (tomatoes, grapefruit, watermelon). Recent research suggests that carotenes also have immune-boosting effects and - particularly in the case of alpha-carotene and lycopene - they play a role in preventing the oxidation of so-called bad cholesterol that causes atherosclerosis.

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The basic condition for the existence of living beings is their constant contact with their environment, from where they take up material and energy and release other materials. For this reason, we say that living beings are open material systems. The process is called metabolism, the part of which takes place in the cell or in the organism is the intermediary metabolism. The process can be outlined as follows:

  uptake of material  
biosynthesis   excretion
  Intermediary metabolism  

 Energy is needed for metabolism, which the body releases through the decomposition processes. The individual details - construction and decomposition, material uptake and release - take place simultaneously, in close interaction and coordination, depending on the current needs of the organism. In the case of increased physical stress, energy consumption is high and energy release increases, but during rest, energy storage processes come to the fore.

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The basic condition for the existence of living beings is their constant contact with their environment, from where they take up material and energy and release other materials. For this reason, we say that living beings are open material systems. The process is called metabolism, the part of which takes place in the cell or in the organism is the intermediary metabolism. The process can be outlined as follows:

  uptake of material  
biosynthesis   excretion
  Intermediary metabolism  

 Energy is needed for metabolism, which the body releases through the decomposition processes. The individual details - construction and decomposition, material uptake and release - take place simultaneously, in close interaction and coordination, depending on the current needs of the organism. In the case of increased physical stress, energy consumption is high and energy release increases, but during rest, energy storage processes come to the fore.

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Peeling: Peeling

Although in everyday sense we talk about peeling when –primarily due to excessive sunbathing– the epidermis peels off in layers, in fact our skin is constantly peeling, that is, the dead, flattened skin cells forming the stratum corneum peel off, new ones take their place, and thus the skin is renewed. If for some reason the keratinization is inhibited and its process slows down, the skin becomes lifeless, pale, and wrinkles appear on it. This is helped by the removal of the upper keratinized layer of the skin, which we call peeling, or more recently, peeling. Another advantage of peeling is that after it, the fresh, new skin more easily absorbs the active ingredients of cosmetic creams. We basically know three forms of peeling.

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Vitamins are small molecular weight, non-nutrient, organic compounds essential for the functioning and growth of the organism, which cannot be replaced with each other or with any other substance. Vitamins are catalysts for the body's energy processes and essential players in metabolism. Their official discovery and naming took place in 1912, when a Polish biochemist named Kazimierz Funk managed to develop a drug for the disease beriberi using an amine compound (i.e., a nitrogen-containing compound) produced from unpolished rice (rice bran). The first part of the compound word is the Latin word vita (life). Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble (lipovitamins) and water-soluble (fat-insoluble) vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins (B-, C-) need to be provided daily, as the kidney eliminates excess amounts, so the body does not store them. However, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are stored, so a smaller amount ensures the necessary amount, but they need fat for absorption. This is why it's important, for example, to consume raw vegetables, which contain a lot of vitamins, with (light) salad dressing. Some vitamins are formed in the intestine (pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, B12 vitamin), others are produced by the body from a precursor with a similar chemical composition (the so-called provitamin) (e.g. vitamins A and D). Provitamins are precursors from which vitamins are formed in the body. Fat-soluble vitamins often occur and enter the body in their provitamin form. The provitamin of vitamin A, for example, is beta-carotene. Water-soluble vitamins do not have provitamins. The most efficient way to take vitamins is to consume ripe fresh fruits and vegetables, medicinal and spice herbs, and a balanced diet. Vitamin-enriched foods and vitamin tablets do not always guarantee that enough vitamins are absorbed into the body. If there is no need for quick, artificial vitamin supplementation, vitamin tablets can lead to an oversupply in the body, the functioning of vitamin-absorbing mechanisms in the intestinal wall decreases due to the oversupply, and the vitamin-excreting function of the kidney and liver increases significantly. Smoking (some of the substances entering with tobacco smoke bind certain vitamins, especially vitamin C) and alcoholism adversely affect the absorption and incorporation of vitamins. Since vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system as well, it is essential to have a proper vitamin supply in case of stress, anxiety, depression, or sleep disorders (e.g., vitamin B1, vitamin B6, B-complex vitamin). During a diet, it is important to ensure the right amount of vitamins, as the body's metabolic and energy processes are already being reorganized.

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The collective name for the entire B-vitamin group. B vitamins are soluble in water, so they are not stored, and they help the body convert carbohydrates into glucose or glucos, commonly known as grape sugar (actually in this case blood sugar). So most carbohydrates break down into glucose during digestion and are absorbed in this form in the blood. Glucose is the basic building block of every carbohydrate molecule and the body's main source of energy. The amount of glucose circulating in the blood is the blood sugar level, the main regulating hormone of which is insulin. These vitamins, often also called B-complex, also play a major role in the metabolism of fats and proteins. Without B-complex vitamins, there is no healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver, but they are also necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

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B12 vitamin (cobamalin)

A compound that easily dissolves in water but is difficult to absorb, with a central metal atom of cobalt. This is the only vitamin that is an essential part of a metal ion. Its absorption from the intestines occurs only with the help of an internal, so-called intrinsic factor, and even then only a fraction of the amount produced in the intestine is absorbed, the rest is excreted from the body. Its absorption is aided by other B vitamins, as well as folic acid, calcium, and vitamins A, E, and C, but is inhibited by the cholesterol-lowering cholestyramine, sedatives, excessive alcohol consumption, preservatives, and contraceptive pills. Vitamin B12 participates in the construction of nucleic acids, influences the body's protein synthesis, promotes the incorporation of amino acids into proteins and enhances their utilization. Given that it stimulates the formation and regeneration of red blood cells, it proves to be very effective in cases of severe anemia (pernicious anemia), general physical decay, exhaustion, nerve inflammation, recovery after a long illness. It is also essential for the formation of RNA, DNA, and the myelin sheath surrounding nerve fibers. Therefore, it is suitable for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. It also improves concentration, memory and balance skills, and enhances children's growth and appetite. It has a strengthening, invigorating effect on the whole body.Plants do not contain vitamin B12, the requirement can only be covered with animal-derived foods. Those vegetarians who do not consume dairy products and eggs need supplementation. However, with an average diet, deficiency can only develop with difficulty, rather due to poor absorption, as B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that the body is capable of storing.Termnatural sources are liver, kidney, beef, pork and duck meat, fish and dairy products. It is often consumed in combination with other vitamins, in vitamin complexes.

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Vitamin D (calciferol)

The collective name for substances with the same chemical effect belonging to the family of fat-soluble vitamins, which - among other things - promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, the treatment of conjunctivitis and directly influence bone formation. It does not enter the body with food, but the body itself produces it from animal and plant provitamins, and the skin also produces it under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, it is important that - with the appropriate precautions - children are exposed to the sun. However, the formation of vitamin D ceases in the already tanned skin. Its deficiency in children can cause rickets, in adults it can cause softening of the bones and the formation of kidney stones. Its main natural sources are fish liver oils, liver, eggs, dairy products, yeast, wheat germ, oatmeal, sea fish, cremini mushrooms.

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Vitamin E (tocopherol)

A fat-soluble antioxidant that creates a protective shield in the skin against free radicals, thus protecting it from future damage. Along with vitamin A, it protects the lungs from the harmful effects of air pollution, its diuretic effect reduces blood pressure. It is extremely useful in dermatology and cosmetics. It also has a cell-renewing effect, delaying the aging process caused by oxidation, prevents scarring, and speeds up the healing of burn wounds. It is naturally found in cereal germs, whole grains, soybeans, cold-pressed (virgin) or plant oils in the grain (sunflower, olive, pumpkin seed, corn), green plants (broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts), meat, liver, eggs. Its deficiency can cause anemia, infertility, muscle atrophy. In cosmetics, it is recommended to use vitamin E creams for oily or dehydrated skin from the age of thirty-five. okozhat.Kozmetik

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What should I use for very dry skin?

The intensive revitalizing face cream is recommended for dry, dull skin. It intensely nourishes and regenerates the skin with isoflavones, rosehip and Q10 active ingredients

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I am a 22 year old guy and I would like to ask for help in that on my forehead, there is a faint vertical expression line and even in the area between the wrinkle there are faint small wrinkles, I would like to avoid surgical intervention, could yo . . .

The Active Snake Venom facial cream is an effective aid in filling expression wrinkles. The syn-ake active ingredient found in the cream is often mentioned as a natural alternative to Botox due to its gentle yet highly effective wrinkle-filling effect. Its mechanism of action: its active ingredient, the Syn-ake tripeptide (plant protein), inhibits the contraction of facial muscles and blocks the receptors in the cell wall of the facial muscles, as a result of which they relax, and the expression wrinkles smooth out and then slowly disappear.

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I would like to inquire, since from my inflamed pimples, red/pink spots have remained on my face, what could I potentially use to eliminate these pimple spots, perhaps a cream specifically developed for this purpose and doesn't have a peeling effec . . .

The eco snail serum and face cream have spot-reducing effects, however, like every spot-reducing cream, they exfoliate. Until you can use exfoliating face cream, I would recommend the use of highly moisturizing face creams, such as the Ultra Hydrating Aloe vera face cream which also contains regenerative allantoin.

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Dear Sir/Madam! I wish you a good evening! I apologize for the interruption, I just wanted to ask, I would like to try a free product sample! I would like to ask one for my acne-prone skin and if possible one for my split hair. Thank you very much . . .

Dear Georgina,

For acne-prone skin, we would send a sample of snail facial cream for young skin, and for brittle hair, a sample of mimosa shampoo against hair loss. Biotin hair strengthening shampoo can be even more effective for damaged, brittle hair, but unfortunately, we don't have a sample of that.

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I am a 33-year-old pregnant woman and I would like to find a deeply hydrating wrinkle reduction product. Unfortunately, I have deeper wrinkles on my forehead that bother me a lot and I would like to primarily do something about them, as well as sca . . .

I recommend using the Helix Active eco snail face cream and serum in combination for fading scars, blackheads, reducing surface wrinkles and for hydration. The face cream can be applied as a top layer on the serum. For reducing deeper, mimic wrinkles, I suggest the Active Snake snake venom face cream, which is better to use at night as it is a bit greasy, nourishing.

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